TX Power: 26 dBm (requires define CCFG_FORCE_VDDR_HH = 0 in ccfg.c, see CC13xx/CC26xx Technical Reference Manual) Tested for SimpleLink SDK version: CC13x0 SDK 1.30.xx.xx Generated by SmartRF Studio version 2.6.0 (build #8) TX Power: 26 dBm (requires define CCFG_FORCE_VDDR_HH = 0 in ccfg.c, see CC13xx/CC26xx Technical Reference Manual)(done) PIN_setOutputValue(pinHandle, Board_LNA_EN, 0) //tx mode PIN_setOutputValue(pinHandle, Board_PA_EN, 1) PIN_setOutputValue(pinHandle, Board_LNA_EN, 1) //rx mode PIN_setOutputValue(pinHandle, Board_PA_EN, 0)

PIN_setOutputValue(pinHandle, Board_HGM,1) //high gain In normal situation boards waits rf signal and at this situation This distance is so low and insufficient. I got these measurements in an area with trees and buildings.But there was no building between the receiver and transmitter. 30 dB), in the closest case (but sometimes I get -128dB it is not every time but it happens.Anyway this is also a problem and i am working on it)Īnd Max range is about 200 m. I work on custom board which includes CC1310 and CC1190.Īnd I prepared almost all of the code part and made the modules communicate. Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC1190,, CC1350